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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

El Caminito

Back in the old days, when WoW was beautiful and sunsets were amazing.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

8.3 came out and I closed down

Blizzard released 8.3 some time in January(?), I played for month or so until my subscription ended. 
And then, I didn't feel like playing anymore. 8.3 was terrible, there was another grind in old/revamped areas from Cata and MoP, It was fun for 2-3 days but then the repeating again and again wore me down. 

I also hunted several WoW secrets I had missed...like "Waist of Time – Secret Cosmetic Belt" or "Baa’l – Secret Demonic Goat Battle Pet". That was fun. But not enough.

Meanwhile GeForce Now is out, allowing me to play remotely with high quality and I've been buying a few games:

Witcher 3 - I'm playing Blood and Wine and finding out this DLC is like a Witcher 4, it's HUGE ! <3 div="">
Eurotruck - I bought it and will be playing a lot. Nice simulators and a way to see Europe without Corona Virus :D
Tomb Raider - I got all 3 now, cheap cheap, I'm nearly 50% of the first Tomb Raider, which has a similar plot to the movie from a few years ago with the new Lara (not Angelina, the other one).
Assassin's Creed - Playing a few, Origins in Egypt and Syndicate in the XIXth urban London.
Kingdom Come : Deliverance - Middle Age at its best.. a difficult and REALISTIC game.
Destiny 2 - Played a bit.
Black Desert - Played just a tiny bit.
Guild Wars 2 - Playing the season quests... stopped farming more mounts, it was hard (too ?)

All of them free or at a a minor cost...and lots of future fun.

WoW ? Hmmm...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Netcownt of the Deeps....classic...and #BoycottBlizzard FTW

8.2 has come out, 8.2.5 has come out, and my solo adventures have been focused in finishing the meta-achievement for Nazjatar and Mechagon. Well, Nazjatar is done today !With it came my first (and last, most probably !!!) rank 4 neck essence.
Other retail adventures..nothing really. My 15 yr Quie guild is now empty, and I'll be leaving soon for sure, if I continue to play (there we go again!).
Oh yes, I've been leveling a lot of alts, mostly to get my heritage armors and allied races to 110 (more achievements, nham nham).
PVP, it's been a failure since I got Conqueror. I can't get people to duel in Boralus, I can't even get in a PVP expedition for some more achievements or PVP essences... my last quote from a fellow player was "My 3rd alt has higher gear than you." as he declined my invite. I'm 424 so ... I'll continue to solo play this wonderful Massive Single Player game, single for those except a few lucky bastards that can get a guild where people actually play, don't leave, are mature, friendly...  a needle in a haystack.

And then there was Classic. I started playing day 1, and have been playing mostly daily except a week on holidays. I went for druid, I wanted a stealth for PVP, and a hybrid choice to be able to change after 60, whenever I wanted.
Druids feel good. Not good enough to kill more than 1 mob at once unless I go tank, so I watch priests, warlocks, mages, warriors, hunters happily kill 2 mobs in a row, while I struggle in feral to kill more than one and live to tell. But it's good, survivability is great, and I even learned to get away from nasty rogues that gank me and live to tell. Well, sometimes I gank too. Previlege of stealth mode.
My classic guild is my old SDD guild from WOTLK, so there's some nice chaps. I leveled up to 30 running dungeons with them, but then I could not keep up with RL+retail+classic, so I kinda went solo mode now, at 45, using rest XP to the max to kill mobs. It's going smooth and by the numbers as the dude in Aliens would say.

Finally... this week there was trouble with Blizzard, yep, I cancelled my subscription. Not the first time. Not the last, quite probably. But 1 month or so AFK after I hit 60 in classic will do me good, a chance to do some more Assassin's Creed and Witcher 3 extra missions.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Conqueror of Azeroth

Wow, it's been an entire year ! I can't even remember what went on, but...oh yeah, Battle for Azeroth came out, and I played it solo style.
My damn Quie guild played up to 120 but after a few dungeons, most went in hiatus mode, so I switched to PVP and mostly pursued the Conqueror of Azeroth achievement, while running the factions to exalted, killing rares, and little else.
I never ran so few dungeons, heroic or mythic, up to these days. Most times I went it as pug, I felt disconnected with the game, so much I cannot remember dungeon names, paths inside, outdoor zone names, etc.
In Februrary I went AFK and restarted playing The Witcher 3, and completed it in June, just in time for patch 8.2.

With 8.2 up, I got Pathfinder/flying last week and I completed the Conqueror of Azeroth yesterday, and I must say, story aside, which actually looks interesting, but repetitive...I mean, Garrosh part 2 ? Alliance and Horde rebellions again ?
The neck system looks ridiculous, much less exciting than the weapon system of Legion, I mean, there's a dwarf in a cave in Silithus activating essences we get here and there, and that's it, collecting AP from the world to push its level up... blarrgh.

A few things I want to try before AFK time again, is the Brawler's guild part 3 and try some dueling..

My tendinitis turned worse this week, so my engagement has been mostly with puzzles in Nazjatar LOL.

Ah, I've been leveling allied races...for achievements sake, and with the purpose of having all classes on Silvermoon. I had to build an Excel table with all the class-race-faction combos I have/need-to-have. Some already have heritage armor, all will have sooner or later.

In Guild Wars2...I've got all the mounts, except the PVP one, and there's a new one which I started to go for but somehow lost interest...I mean, I also lost interest in "The Mind" WoW mount, so I'm kinda loosing interest in general :P

I think The Witcher 3 gave more fun in 3 months than MMORPGs gave me the last 3 years.

And I kinda knew it.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Battlemaster !

From late 2005 to ... 2018. Thirteen years it took me, but I did it. Master of Warsong Gulch + Master of Alterac Valley + Master of Eye of the Storm + Master of Arathi Basin = Battlemaster Title.

No mounts, no pets, nothing, except a freaking AWESOME title. There is 1 Battlemaster for every 10.000 players or so. It cannot be bought with gold of USD. You cannot be boosted. It takes time. skill. perseverance. You cannot be carried for it, not like "The Chosen".

All in all, a great achievement, may be my best achievement. And it's done.

Now...let's go for Kahn :)

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

Legion is Over !

4th of July (how appropriate), Nasdaq holidays, so I took the time to finish my last self-challenge in WoW legion...do Mage Towers... a lot of them !

Job done. 18 Challenge Modes overall are completed as of today...may be a few more in the next days, but I doubt it.

All 3 on warlock (of course, main is main) (897)(?)(?)
All 3 on paladin (main-alt, and had tank and healer challenges) (932)
1 on havoc DH (932)
1 on Assassin rogue (my fav. spec)(932)
1 on Unholy DK (930)
2 on Druid (Feral..loved the skin, and Resto because I wanted a 2nd healing MT done)(931)(933)
1 on Windwalker monk (925)
1 on Fury Warrior (931)
1 on Discipline priest (917)
1 on Beastmaster hunter (925)
2 on Enhancement/Elemental shaman (927)
1 on Arcane mage (my last) (925)

While doing it I covered Mage Tower for:
- 18 challenges overall (out of possible 36 = 12 classes x 3 specs)
All 12 classes
- All 3 roles (dps, healer, tank)
- All 7 unique challenges (Tugar, Sigryn,Xylem,Agatha,Kruul, Raest,Ethris)
- 1 one-shotting, first and only trial (Discipline priest)
- At least 1 down below 900i (897 as destro lock, the first MT I downed)

I did 11 before the 24h up/Artifact corruption sucking from the Sargeras weap. in Silithus, and 6 after that. I think that's enough. I'm pretty sure I'd get to 36 with 1 more month or two, but tbh, it's REALLY enough.

Meanwhile, of course, I did some other things, mostly PVE, a lot of Legion hidden mounts and pets quests.

I also finished the Glory of Legion Hero (it was not so hard, I could solo a few HCs and could solo stuff).. and I finished a raid Glory (Thunder..something in Pandaria, forgot the name) because I was able to ressurrect my alt account for a weekend, and did some achievs that required 2 players).

The only think I could still do but tbh it requires a Raid is to get the "Chosen" Title, but id doesn't depend on me, and atm I cba getting in a raid with a bunch of idiots who will whine/leave. The other non-idiots require members with Chosen or Myth done to get Chosen or Myth done, so it's kind of...impossible ? Oh well, I missed Immortal in Naxx because I didn't wanna go with my friend Hageneesjuh when we were overpowered and would have done it, eons ago, it won't matter much.

Ah, I've read the book, Before the Storm, so that finally I know what I'm doing and WHY I'm doing it in BFA.
I had enough of WoW as a game, I want to feel more immersive, to know the characters properly or stop playing altogether :)
And there's one thing I wanna do for BFA...go to Undercity, and KILL SYLVANAS

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Another iron bites the dust

Damn damn damn.

After a successful reinitialization of my WoW campaign in January, that saw me finishing a lot, a LOT of achievements, from the affliction artifact challenge to Paragon of Argus, to Lord of Reins (300 mounts, yay!) to Master of Eye of the Storm (10 years to finish a master degree, yay!), i was thinking of going on another break.

But then...i restarted playing the Ironman challenge. Looked like 7.3.5 would make it insanely harder, so I had a rogue 30... and I decided to restart. A few days later, just before the patch, I got to 61.

And then 7.3.5 came up and oh boy, it got INSANE. But I still managed to get to 64. And then...I found out that exploring was giving me ~1K per discovery, and about 1 entire lvl free. I thought it could go away at 65, so I went for it...

AND DIED...lost focus in Azshara, after nearing Orgrimmar, I explored the entire zone and in the end, went west and suddenly.. I was targetted by a skull...some horde scum guard...and DIED.

No comments.

On the positive side, Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire has been pretty fun, its mounts are way better than WoW, and you really need to master some skill to "drive" them.