Always liked the word Bane, it's a deity from the D&D Forgotten Realms novels, Lord Bane, the Black Hand. Last week I got to be Bane of the Fallen King, by downing Arthas in Heroic mode. It was nice and hard, even as 85. Our tank and a few dps died at the beginning of the Frostmourne phase, so we did the whole last phase with no offtank to soak the spirits damage. But we managed. It's a pity that our guild doesn't have enough people for a 10-run.
Having 11/12 ICC10 HC downed during WOTLK, it was a shame for me to miss this event. Well, now, no longer.
Meanwhile, I continue my near-solo WoW experience. Got all the gear and saw nearly everything I wanted from ZG/ZA, and I'm horrified to get into dungeons. I'm leveling the last characters to 85, DK, rogue and hunter. DK is so fun and easy to go as tank. I nearly always outdps even dps DKs, I keep the aggro with the blink of an eye, and even have fun doing mitigation all the time so that the healers have nothing to do except heal dpsers.
But I must say, Blizzard does a TERRIBLE and I mean TERRIBLE job in this dungeon business. From lvl 83 to lvl 85, two entire levels, the LFG system only selects Vortex Pinnacle and Stonecore. I know all the mob timers by now. It's so stupid, no RNG, nothing, everything looks dull. This game is really lacking creative development.
Today, I will become Master of Alterac Valley, 2 victories to go on the last achievement.
What else have I been doing ? Solo of course.. I've been completing the new Azeroth quests for the areas to understand e.g. why VanClef's daughter is the queen of Deadmines, etc. So far I completed Loch Modan, Westfall and Redridge. Going slow, no hurries here.
Last but not least... this week I soloed Molten Core (actually, dualboxed it with Tarithel but it's soloable for sure) and what did Ragnaros drop ???
Yes, the Eye of Sulfuras !!! So I will have not one, but TWO legendary weapons.