It took about two weeks, leveling pets and searching strategies. In the first week, I had not enough pets to battle through, but in the second week, it was a matter of finding the highest rares to level or set common pets as rares, and actually getting it done. Six days into the week, and down went Lorewalker Cho, Dr. Ion Goldbloom, Sully, their respective 3-pet crews, and in the end, four legendary pets.
As a reward, the 20th cub pet, my "Crazy Cat Man" title, as a proper achievement.
Needless, to say, this thing is HARD. I'll need to win it another 9 times, with different challenges, like Blingtron 4K or Wise Mari, and get the rest of the tournament pets and achievements. So more hardness incoming :p
With all this petting, I nearly stopped my PVP, has I had done enough to reach 1500 RBG rating. 1600 means Knighthood (I'm Lt.Commander on Lock and Knigh Champion on Pala, but those are vanilla titles), so I've been pushing, but I'm stuck around 1590, always loosing the critical battle.