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Monday, December 20, 2010

Slowly but surely

This week in Cataclysm has been peaceful. Netcownt's guild is/was full of horny 3-4 day 85 people, specially warlocks, so that immediately made me slow down, since I knew I would have no spot in any raids for the near future. Therefore I went at my own pace with the warlock and the other tanking/healing toons.

It has been very profitable to watch videos and learn the strategies, but for sure things never go perfect in the first tanking attempt for a new dungeon. Again, it became clear how much easier it is too keep aggro and generally dps with a DK than with a warrior tanking.
I tanked Throne of the Tides, Blackrock caverns and the Stonecore. The first two are easy, the last one is a bit more difficult, if you have dumb people that do not interrupt and if you do not select the best target first. After learning it, though, it became easy.
I miss healing an instance to check up on how are things in the holy side of life, but again, I've been having fun.

Guildwise, my beloved Arcadia guild, although a little more "vivificated", still misses some major characters coming back. Let's hope they will, sooner or later.
Today my Day-Time raiding guild that I hoped would be a replacement for Arcadia if things did not clear, went down the drain, so I'm now rather lonely on a level 4 guild ! I think i'll stay around and use the +5% reputation bonus for now.
Meanwhile, on Chromaggus, i'm back to my $home at Savory Deviate Delight.


dário said...

Hehe eu tou me a divertir com os meus rogues. Mas para te ser honesto também não estou com muita pressa pra raidar.
Kanto aos SDD, eventualmente vou regressar lá tambem. Preciso primeiro de por o nelf a 85, depois preciso de levelar o goblin no server da hanna. God mais vale contratar um chinês ou arranjar um miudo k jogue por mim no goblin.

Pedro Lucas said...

lol tu e os rogues. Ya fazes bem, ir com calma, mas não te metas com chineses que os tipos andam em cima. Uma miuda da minha guilda que tem os olhos em bico, esteve de férias lá no país dela e tentou de lá fazer upgrade à conta, correu mal. E o lider ficou sem uma das contas por trading de ouro. E quanto a miudos, cuidado, ainda és catado por desencaminhar menores lol !