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Thursday, January 28, 2016

Iron Girl !

While not paying for WoW, not even gold, I read a bit about the Iron Man challenges for World of Warcraft and decided to check or not it's too boring to do it.

There are rules for the Iron Man Challenge.

You have to get from lvl 1 to Max level, WITHOUT dying, wearing white gear, with NO class specialization, talents, glyphs, pots, food, buffs, boosts, heirlooms, etc. Cannot go into dungeons to level, do pet battles.

There's nothing about doing it on a PVP server or not. Of course it takes REAL balls to level a character like this on a PVP server, because all your effort can go down the drain the second you're spotted by some bastard of the opposite faction. It really does not make any sense, and it can give you a heart attack. So...i'll go for a PVE server.

I'd like to try it with a Demon Hunter, since I'll probably level one anyway. But it doesn't hurt to try it with a druid, or monk, classes that I leveled PURELY in dungeons, healing.

I'm giving it a try.

Check out Panoramia, my beloved lady druid, wearing her funny white gear at lvl 12, parked in New Auberdine, Darkshore.


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