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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flame Warden and a few other things

In the last days, I've been concentrating on getting my 75 pets.
I've got now 68, with some luck I'll get a rare and a fishing one, and complete my thing.
It's a pity that I didn't know the mechanics to get the fishing pets. All pets are actually crocodiles, obtainable by the random daily Crocodiles in the City. Unfortunately they are BoP, otherwise I'd have my 5 70+ toons going for it.
To help with whelpling farming (1 more to go), I had to code some nice ideas on my "dualboxing helper" application, one of which is OCR to get past the stupid idea of Blizzard of not allowing data to be saved on disk. Oh well, nothing DCOORDS and a little C++ won't get around. 600 whelps later I got my Swamp of Sorrows whelpling, and I've now turned to Wetlands. My kid also helps a bit, hunting whelps, but I dont want her to get too much interest with WoW... until now I've allowed her to drive her little lvl 5 cow in Mulgore, and that was it.

On PVE, a few Ulduar runs, but nothing new on the horizon. Mirmiron is still up, and Ulduar 25 is not working, ppl are slacking too much.

One guildie is pushing ppl to try to be more aggressive, asking for hard-mode runs, which is actually a great idea, but not with much support until now. We did one last night, and may be getting 2 conquest medals will give ppl a push forward.

On PVP, i'm totally stalled, my partner hasnt showed up, and I've got 75K HP and nothing to spend it, as I still got 1399 rating. Damn.

Luckily, I had the Midsummerfest achievements to do, but they are too easy, I completed them in one day.

Tbh the hardest thing is to solo Atune, the Frost Lord, in Slave Pens. Soloing is out of the question. I dualboxed it with a lot of healing, and took me 4 attempts to do it. Now I got the hang of it. It's a damn thing as I can only do 2 trials a day.

Oh well, nothing else new on the Western front, except the release of patch 3.2 info and my fucking back pain, that's getting worse again, and not allowing me to sit for more than a few minutes without medication. Fuck it.

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