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Monday, June 15, 2009

Kick my ass

To begin with... I still have four lvl 200 items.

Yesterday was one of those days... I spent 3+ hours in Naxx25 half-guild/half-pug to get a chance on KTZ head to complete my T7... did the most dmg while I was there, and finally... two heads dropped from KTZ, and fuck, I missed the roll.

That made me think on the purpose of helping alts from other guilds or guild newbies gearing up from blues/greens directly to 213 while I'm stuck with 200 gear, and then having to roll with them with 1/N chance.

Then I went to Ulduar, did everything perfect, coming 2nd overall behind a great DK but again, my good will prevailed over my gearing needs, and I gave up Razor's cloth head to others that lacked dps... later I went to check it, and found out the head was the best head in game for me at this moment, with some tweaking. I also found out that some of the "others" had equivalent gear, and had done half the damage.
And exactly the same thing happened with a dropped wand in XT-002 later on.

Should have gotten the head/wand, should have bidded more /Kick /Kick /Kick /Kick /Kick

As a fellow hunter said.. we're too good to noobs.

I was never good bidding watches and tshirts in thailand LOL

In my old guild, items had fixed DKP prices, and ppl would whisper their wish to the master looter, and then a council of officers would check on the wishers, their gear, attendance, etc, and give it to whoever "deserved" it the most. It was fallible, yes, but avoided things like DKP burning, and credited ppl like me that don't wish to fight others over a stupid thing like a virtual gearing item, or think others deserve it more, for guild helping purposes.

After last night, 10-raids showed up to be more appealing than 25-raids.
- Ppl have to know what to do, or they wont succeed. No slackers.
- The speed of fight is higher, we kill more bosses per hour.
- Rewards are given to whoever needs it the most, discussed, or rolled with 50% chance, not bidded. So, more my style.

To make my wow mood darker, today I went for arenas to get from 1450 to 1500 rating, and ended up with 1399, after a sequence of discipriest + pala/rogue combos that me and my fellow mage simply couldnt handle. And the worst part of it is that I didnt buy the +1400 rating furious item, coz I wanted to spend it on the +1450 item.. and now I got a bunch of honor to spend and not enough rating. Seriously, it can't get any worse, can it ?

Wait.... this means, I'm not actually having fun playing atm. or at least, playing it like I am now. So... better stop to think wether my time is worth this crap.


Unknown said...

percebo bem como te sentes. é altamente frustrante ires a um run dares o teu melhor e tares no topo do dps e veres items dados a idiotas que ou fazem menos dps ou só aparecem quando precisam e levam os items porque tão undergeared ou porque têm mais dkp. É uma das coisas que a LOM tinha de bom, o loot era dividido igualmente entre todos. Quanto a pvp bem não sei k te diga. Eu hoje vou tentar a minha primeira arena a nivel 80.
A sério não te preocupes e expõe o que pensas no forum da guild. na parte dos raids. Eu pessoalmente concordo contigo, e prefiro 10 man raids, mas infelizmente o loot melhor está em 25 man. pa vais ver que no próximo run ganhas tu a head. não desistas pk ainda és dos poucos bons jogadores que a guild tem.

Pedro Lucas said...

Na boa, eu ando é um bocado farto do wow, como tu :)

O mal é meu, quero ser bonzinho, eu é que deixo passar os items, biddo pouco e passo para lhes dar a oportunidade de fazer + dps e melhorarem.

Mas é pena o ppl estar com falta de focus, ulduar quase limpo e agora parece ha falta de vontade, pelo menos aos healers, que dps e tanks até há.