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Sunday, April 17, 2011

FDPs r Us

Just now I had a glimpse of why I'm right getting out of WoW after /500 days played.

I entered a Hall of Origination as healer explicitly to go for Setesh. I said in the beginning in /party that I was entering only for it, so if we please could do it.
I asked again when the platform went up, and I said I wanted Setesh, but I would ofc stay for the last boss. The tank druid ignored me and after my insistence, solely replied "My dinner is rdy soon" (meaning couldn't fucking care less of what you're saying in chat or why you are playing, I'm here to do my thing, so fuck off).
I said that was rude as I had asked in the beginning to do it and he had said nothing about dinner. He just said, he didnt know when dinner would be ready.

It's been 3 years since I called fdp to a player, and it costed me a suspended account, but today I had it.

I switched to /say and "Uma vez fdp sp fdp", because that kind of attitude resembles a few portuguese attitudes I already had in dugeons. Guess what ?

Answer: "Nem sp". I knew it.

My answer: "Quase sp". "Mas dou o beneficio da duvida".

I healed through the Rajh trash, when I could have wiped it. And I said during the Rajh fight that I could be a fdp too and cause us to wipe, but I wasn't doing it.

Btw, the run was a blitz run, with tank having no respect for my mana/drinking. But thanks to my awareness, we never wiped, trash or bosses.

Enough said why I am leaving World of Warcraft. Because of this kind of players, which unfortunately were raised by parents giving them no sense of respect for others, so they just act in virtual life like they do in real life. We see it everyday in our roads, in our government, etc.


dário said...

Infelizmente a comunidade está horrível. Eu tenho que fazer download do LOTRO agora que é free to play se calhar testo um rogue lá. Mas para te ser honesto estou extremamente farto deste genero de mmo's com espadas e dragões and so on. Eu ontem faltei ao raid no chrommagus. Loguei me vi alguns gajos que nao conhecia online, e simplesmente desisti. Não tava com pachorra. Fui ver filmes e series para o pc :s

Pedro Lucas said...

Hehe de facto..agora tenho ligado a minha xbox velhinha, e queres crer que tenho gozado com jogos single-player ? É a sensação de "posso asneirar se quiser, posso tentar cenas novas à vontade, não vai haver nenhum tipo a chamar-me retard, ou coisa do género"

dário said...

sim isso e fantástico :p
estive no fim de semana a jogar fallout new vegas. O problema dos single players, é que uma vez terminado o jogo perde a piada toda para mim. Não me interessa se não joguei com facção X ou Y, simplesmente deixa de ter piada. Razão pela qual já não jogava single players há muito...