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Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Sell in May and go Away

My WoW luck returned in May, after a dry April where I got no mount drops. 

But this week, I got both the ZG tiger and the Onyx serpent from Huolon, both 1% or so drops.

Elune be praised, 195 mounts.

If i buy 3 more, 21000 gold, buy the expansion with a free mount, and finish the Argent farm on Friday, I'll have ... 200 mounts, and a mega achievement :)

EDIT: Another mount: The drake of the North Wind, from Altairus, dropped, after 142 tries (0.8% or so rate). One less Cata mount to farm :). May is gooooood !

Ah...forgot to say... I'VE GOT PROVEN ASSAILANT !!!

That was a 2-week's effort inside Proving Grounds, to reach Wave 30 of the Endless Damage.

The first week was spent farming some raids/dungeons, because  I was stupid enough to trash some weapons/off-hand I actually needed, because of the gems. Luckily, most items dropped the first time I went in.

The gear for Proving Grounds is normalized to 463, but enchants and gear are not, as well as the legendary socket for specific ToES or Thunder King weapons. So...I had fixe my gear to maximize the number of gems, focus on "haste" as Destruction and then...

I went for the kill. One week later, it was done, I got past 30 waves. Actually, I got to 34 but then my food/flask/buffs expired and it was late so I gave up.

It felt fantastic, as good as the Kanrethad fight, which was a bit easier because gear was not normalized. The same for Brawler's guild, it was also quite fun and hard but gear was not normalized as it should be. So every noob and his mother gets it, eventually. But not this.

All in all, 

in Mists of Pandaria.

My 2 cents, of course. 

Now...I really think I'll call it quits if I can get 200 mounts. 

6 months off WoW would be great. May be, just may be, I'll stop for good. 


aesyr said...

boas rapaz. GZ :)
Eu parei de vez, nao tenho pachorra, ando a ver series de tv e a jogar world of tanks muito raramente, e war thunder. Comprei o pack que me da acesso a ground beta e tou a adorar aquilo. nada como andares em tanques a disparar contra pessoal :)

Pedro Lucas said...

Eheheh ganhaste o gosto no Leviathan de Ulduar, agora é só canhonada.
Fazes bem.

Eu agora tenho a chance de terminar de vez, e já não jogar WoD. Tenho andado pelo RIFT com mais dois tugas.

O War thunder tem bom aspecto. Tenho de experimentar.

aesyr said...

e pa wow ja e cansativo, e pelo que li da nova expansao nao tenho interesse nenhum. so tens a garrison, e tiram te as mounts voadoras. O que e uma estupidez. Detestei levelar a usar ground mount. E super lento e nada pratico. But oh well. E pa war thunder o que tem de porreiro e que da para jogares quando tens so 5 a 10 minutos. Entras, fazes um jogo e sais quando queres. Hell se fores noob como eu ao fim de 2 mins ja saiste porque deste cabo do tanque lol. E os graficos sao lindos. aquilo corre super bem, mesmo numa tostadeira como o meu pc :D

Eu tentei Rift, mas nao gostei muito, nao sei porque mas os graficos e gameplay nao me pareciam certos para mim. oh well. vou em entretendo com o que tenho ate ter guito pa comprar ps4.