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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Some dual arena fun

As promised, a few small videos of me having fun in the arena. I only show the victories, ofc :PP

A shaman and a warlock...the shaman was using a nice spot, but doing the wrong thing, he should be healing the lock, not dps'ing. Instead, he died, and the destro gnome..too LOL.

A warrior and a hunter. The warrior missed resilience, he went down too quickly with dots and didnt break fear. The huntard managed to kill Tari but then.. it was too late for him.


Anonymous said...

olá entao tudo bem? olha será k me podes dar o teu contacto para falarmos dakilo acerca do rogue que me tinhas dito

Anonymous said...

se nao o quiseres dar por aki envia por ingame mail para mim.

Anonymous said...

na boa. mail: netcount3@clix.pt
tb costumo tar no vent à noite,
vent: pedrolucas.no-ip.com , mas hj tenho jantar devo entrar tarde.