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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Pre-WOTLK fun : The AQ scepter quest line

This week I started doing something I've been wanting for so long, which was to complete the AQ scepter quest, while waiting for WOTLK.

There is a great guide on WoWWiki, so all you have to do is follow it.

The first step is getting neutral with the Nozdormu dragons. Pre-TBC I ended up as hostile, and also never got Broodlord's head as it was a single person drop for a 40-raid.
Well, recently, thanks to oldschool achievement runs, I was able to improve my rep to get the head and get "friendly"
(btw, I also finished BWL, I'm now a Classic Raider !).

So I was given the quest to talk to Anachronos, and the quest line starts.

The start is a nice script at the AQ gates showing Anachronos and Staghelm closing the AQ gates to block the Silithid pre-WoW invasion.

Basically there are three shards that recreate the scepter (so that we reopen the AQ gates and go down to kill C'Thun and stop all the silithid madness) that you need to get.

A- The green scepter shard line I still have to do.

B- The red scepter shard line I stupidly didn't do yet because I started one week later than I should ( I hope to do it!) and requires a 5-hour BWL run after talking to Vaelastrasz. Well, runs are now taking about 1-1.5 hours so...all you need is a tank with Onyxia cloak and 20-30 non-idiots that know when to hide behind Nefarian's throne when he lands.

C- The blue scepter shard line is the one I'm doing. It involves talking to Azuregos, Anachronos, Dirge and Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.
They send us going to an off-map island south of Tanaris using a devious way to overcome fatigue (water walking will probably do that too but I did it the oldschool way). Then we must get Narain's Scrying Googles from MC, kill Dr. Weavil's elite monkey in Winterspring, and kill Lord Lakmaeran and farm his minions in the Isle of Dread. Then it get's harder.

The three items one must obtain for this shard are Narain's Scrying Goggles (got them !), 500 Pound Chicken (got it with the Recipe: Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops, the only epic WoW cooking recipe... afaik! I didn't sell it, ofc, but its value is over 1K gold, probably more now) and finally, assemble "Draconic for Dummies: Volume II".
Volume II is made of 8 chapters, each one hidden in a remote place in Azeroth.
Chap. I - Alcaz Island, must kill Dr. Weavil. I tried that once soloing him and no way, he minds controls you and that's it. Should be able to do it with healer and pet.
Chap. II - Blasted Lands elite fel/doomguards drop it. Farm farm farm (and these guys kick us hard.. enslaving is the way)
Chap. III - Hederine elite guys in Winterspring drop it. Same as above.
Chap. IV - Undercity.. hehehe it's going to be fun.
Chap. V - Stormwind.. bah.
Chap. VI - Onyxia drop. Got it !
Chap. VII - BWL on a table next to Firemaw. Got it !
Chap. VIII - Ragnaros drop. Tried to get it and........ failed !!!! And why ?

The story goes that chap. I/VI/VIII boss drops are white items. Therefore they are part of the round-robin loot table and cannot be master-looted.
So, you have to ask the raid leader to change the loot rule to 'Free for all', or, to ask every member to check boss' corpse even they don't have this quest. In the latter case, a single logged or HSed member may make your effort in vain.
Now, imagine what happens with a Molten Core 35-pug-raid with a bunch of idiots ? Of course no one's gonna loot it, some will not even be there, others will HS or leave party 1 sec after they get the stupid achievement...
I joined a raid, leader went d/c, someone got leadership, Strik, an idiot from Frostmane, I spent 1 hour summoning 30 guys into MC and in the end, when I asked him to set FFA, and explained why, and he said no. So I asked everyone to loot Ragnaros after fight... guess what happened.... of course the default looter never looted, so I got no item. Option 1, call him FILHO DA PUTA out loud, and possibily get banned. option 2, breathe slowly, think it's just a silly game, and try again, next time as RAID LEADER !!! My problem is that we're getting close to WOTLK and with "Saved instance" status, I only have Wednesday to try that. Afterwards, it might be hard to get a raid going, same thing with BWL 5-hour run. May be not, those creating DK's will want to go for oldschool achievements.

Well, the Scepter quest line doesn't end with the shards, but for sure the shards are the hardest part. Or may be not, the last part requires Elementium Ores from BWL. At 80 one may probably go with a 2/3-party to the 1st boss and farm the Technicians near Vaelastrasz. Buying from AH... nah, epics are $$$ (200g for a single one atm).

Don't miss the next episode, where I'm going to dualbox the Stranglethorn Arena during early hours to grab the Arena achievements.


Anonymous said...

lol isso é tramado quando acontece. adorava ir a AQ e BWL nunca la estive. A ver se o faço em 80.
Quanto a mim tou com um druida resto lvl 56 em hellfire a farmar mobs co warrior prot do dahboo...
ah btw adivinha kal a mount nova que arranjei?....
A do baron hehe. a ver se te mando screenshot hoje a noite. abraço

Anonymous said...

Malandro ! Sacaste a mount, boa! Isto das mounts está mau, nem um rare drop. Farmei Strat, nada. Farmei Brewboss, nada. Headless Horsemen, nada. ZG, fiz umas quantas, nada. Vou com 30 mounts, ainda me falta umas de AQ40, dá 35, até ao Albino Drake ainda vai um bocado. Bem, faz-se a 80, o Attumen a 80 dualbox deve ser na boa, e ZG idem.

Anonymous said...

E guito para as mounts skyguard e drakes ? .. bolas que são caras. Já não consigo fazer dailies, fico enjoado.. há ppl que já passou o achievement de 200.. fonix

Anonymous said...

bem guito eu tenho cerca de 4k gold guardado. mas não vou investir em mounts. acho que vou usá-lo na mount epica do meu druida ou dk. quanto a dailies tas como eu lol. para mim sabes qual a melhor forma de arranjar guito po k kero? farmar strat e apanhar todos os drops vender os bops e boes aos vendors cloth na ah. fazes uma pipa de massa assim. o raidan fez acho que 700g ou 800 num dia e tal a farmar strat apenas.

Pedro Lucas said...

Tens razão, strat é melhor. O Echovibes (agora Echoroot, endruidou) tb me disse k saca 100g/run. Acho que é isso k vou fazer, aproveito pra farmar mais um bocado a mount.

Anonymous said...

lol o gajo como druid... essa é nova... eu tb tou a fazer um druid. pus-no a 57 e agora tou resto (não mato nada mas tenho o dahboo a tankar com o warrior dele lol. andamos a fazer pulls de 5k xp so em melee mobs rofl.)