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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where's my WOTLK...

Amazon.UK is not being ASAP... I want my WOTLK here and now ;)

WoW is so well known nowadays, that even Publico, the maintream newspaper in Portugal is talking about WOTLK, here.

Commenting the news, it's nice to see I'm not the only oldie to play this game. I find it funny that other adults find weird when I talk about it... then they call it a child's game and go on with their lives.. and so do I... still, I think it's so sad to grow and discover that Santa doesn't exist, that money doesn't come from machines. One thing is sure , though... playing takes a lot of real time from your real life... and when you have 40, you have spent 50% of your real life... so.. why bother with a game when you can do it for real ? Something to consider..

Meanwhile, yesterday I bought the rest of the mount pack to get over the 50 mounts and I'm now the proud owner of an Albino Drake !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gz pela mount. eu tb ainda n recebi a xpac. mas se kes k te diga n considero o tempo k gasto no wow mal gasto. o truque é saberes quando parar. por exemplo se alguem me convida pa sair, jantar etc vou em vez de ficar no wow. agora se estou em casa sem nada pa fazer em vez de ver tv jogo.