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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Justice for Justicar

Some very nice news.
Netcownt reached level 79.9 and Tarithel is at 78.5.
And as I expected, Warsong Gulch flag farming becomes amazing at 79. In spite of so much noobish players that comprise the alliance ranks, I was able to farm 60 flags in two days with a few hours of gameplay. Meaning, only 150 left for my long awaited Justicar Title. So I'm stalled at 79.9 and.. ops little mistake, I'n only 100K short of 80, and so shard farming is now very difficult, I've got to farm it with Tarithel and only kill low levels... or get the shards inside a BG. God knows it's not so easy. WTB "Disable XP" checkbox.

While doing it, I've also gotten some nice-to-have PVP ones: [Ironman], [Quick Cap], [Not So Fast], [Damage Control].

I'm also Netcownt the Seeker ! [3000 Quests Completed] Another grand achievement YAY !

And I've also went to Horde cities, got [For the Alliance!], another grand achievement and a new War Bear Mount, YAY again !

On the descriptive side, I finished Dragonblight. Didn't like it. Then I leveled in Grizzly Hills, nominating it my favorite area, although it's also the one where my overclocked AMD3500+ is penalized the most. Trees ftl. Finally I went to Zul'Drak and... boy it's dark. Nice temples and all that, some quests were fun like the ones driving giants. All in all, too easy, did all group quests with Tarithel only. Now I'm stalled in the Basin.

I'll continue my quest towards Loremaster once I get Justicar and then start real 80 tasks.

In another tone, I also went BWL, got the quest from Vaelastrasz but failed in killing Nefarian in 5 hours with 10 ppl. Guess where it all went wrong ? You got it, of course, Firemaw. 10 80 idiots from Chromaggus aren't too different from 30 70 idiots from Frostmane. They storm through the room, start killing everything, then the boss comes, raid leader didnt give warning... wipe. Then he disbands. Asshole Whiskers. One thing impressed me: We did kill Vaelastrasz. I died with the burning adrenaline but I also contributed a lot to it with about 15 seconds of instant shadowbolts. 5K dps ftw.


Anonymous said...

bem gz pelos títulos. ate agora so tenho o titulo jenkins lol. mas tou a pensar comprar o de shatered sun. bem ainda não te perguntei mas k tal tas a achar o chrommagus? eu ando a ver se levelo o druid o mais rapido k posso pa raidarmos mas n ta facil...

Pedro Lucas said...

o chromaggus é bem mais calmo que o frost.. tem só 30% da população, é normal. Há menos grupos para tudo, alguma escassez na AH, mas não está morto. Guilda tá fixe, pouco cagaçal e sem gabarolas no guild chat que é uma cena q descurto. Em Janeiro já devemos estar ok pra raidar, e depois vai ser sempre a ripar. Tou a ver é que ficámos sem rogues, um foi pra tank outro pra healer. Mas tá certo, já nos Portucale os officers fizeram o mesmo, e na guilda pro do meu colega também. Ocupa-se os spots de tank e healer e o resto vem.