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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Crawling up the hill

I'm not very good with pictures. These tell the story of Netcownt and Tarithel and their snail pace adventures through Borean Tundra, Howling Fjords and Dragonblight, finishing with the Battle of Wratghate and the death of Bolvar (/cry) and Saurfang, and the subsequent event in Orgrimmar and Undercity, where Jaina blocks Anduin from attempting to solo Thrall and Sylvanas.

Who does he think he is? An OP Death Knight ?

I can't wait to level Cornelius, Patalogica and Clarabela to watch the even from the Horde point of view.

Questing up to now has been fun, actually better than I expected. There have been some air2air warfare and some funny events. Overall everything seems easier than in TBC, namely quest groups, where up to now I've been dual-manning it with my Felguard being healed by Tarithel.
James Alliance Guide has been helpful to cover over 100% of quests for each zone, towards my Seeker and Loremaster achievements. It seems to stop helping by lvl 76, though.

Lorewise, things are a bit complicated to follow, with the Dragonflight sub-races engaged in combat and a lot of quests dedicated to minor characters and problems.

I will probably start instances only when I ding 80 with both chars... although I'd like very much to halt Netcownt at 79 in order to farm WSG flags while still using my old PVP gear with 520 res. If I ding 80, I'll have to start gearing again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bem mesmo que fiques a 79 o gear de pvp de 70 não te serve de nada visto que tens o gear de pvp de level 78 feito por tailors (visto que és clothie) que é melhor que os épicos que tens de 70. Eu ando agora a farmar leather e a ver se faço heroics. o novo sistema de rep e tabards é espectacular.