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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

A little progress

In the last days, I've been hunting rare pets, and in one hour, I got both a (1/1000) dragonling and the (1/2000) oozeling, bringing my total to 71.

I can now get the 75 pets, however, I'm still trying to get 1 more (hyacinth(!!) or firefly or a cheap horde pet hehe), in order not to spend my argent seals (got 200 now), so I can save for the flying mount later.

I also recomputed my total mounts, and I can achieve 95 (if I'm lucky enough with baron, oracle egg and two zul'gurub mounts, plus AQ40 ones). So theoretically, with an additional 500 seals (!!!) I can get my 100 mount achievement. Or I wait for 3.2 or 3.3 and get it easier.

My guildie pal also told me that the violet drake is nothing less than 310%, I had missed that !! HAHA, so in September I'll have one. Nicey.

I did a Ulduar hardmode, easy mode actually, if ppl have enough gear lvl to do it and play smart, avoiding the frost beams.

I got the EOS assassin one, 5 kills in 4 towers, woopideedoo.

Another front I'm fighting is the 40 exalted reputations.

Since I was slacker enough not to run Black Temple or Karazhan with Netcownt, I had to find some replacement reputations.

So I beat a record, getting from neutral to exalted with Thorium Brotherhood in 24 hours. It was so easy, just farm Searing Gorge underground lizzards, then farm BRD for dark iron residues, and then farm Molten Core (with my nice skinner alt)... and of course, farm the Action House and guild bank. I spent about 700 gold, most of it in heavy leather to level it faster. Actually it was a bit silly, the cores were much cheaper, but fck it, I'm exalted :)

Total exalted reputations are now 33, needing only Zul'Gurub, 3 of the Steemweedle Cartel, and the old TBC ones I slacked also, Lower City and Honor hold, and Oracles (for the 3rd time, I bring a Sholazar faction to exalted, OMG!)

Tchan tchan only 3 rares to go, 1 from Sholazar (Aotona, the worst place possible, right on top of the oracle quest givers), and 2 from Icecrown (same shit, due to argent quests)

The rest of the time it's been crappy due to holidays, loss of interest in raiding, etc, etc.

I'm not so sure anymore the spirit will be back, considering dpsers started to gquit.

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