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Friday, December 04, 2009

On terminAION

One month has passed with me playing AION, and...it didn't feel great. It felt harder than WOW in solo PVE, although I remember WOW to be that hard in the beginning, before Blizzard decided to give us a hand and allow everyone to solo 2 or more mobs with nearly no HP loss.
My account terminated today, I leveled a 13 Asmo chanter and a Elyos 18 sorceror. The sorceror is immensely more fun to play, has a lot of crowd-control abilities and defenses.
I never reached the Abyss and its PVP, but from the look, feel and movement of toons, it won't be as polished as WoW, that's for sure.

Now, back to WoW. Searching for a new place. Last night there was a joint TOC25 run with another guild, I joined and waited, but was not invitated. Instead, some others that weren't even online got a reserve spot. Enough said, this behaviour has nothing to do with the Lords of Midnight and its spirit. It was bad already with the heroic mode problems, now it became unbearable.

Chromaggus is dead, so I'm able to go anywhere. If anyone knows of a mature raiding guild where experience, respect, skill and a desire for progress and achievements can make a difference, let me know.

I found a guild on Frostmane, with mature ppl, willing to raid 22-24h game time, which suits me fine. I also found out that the ppl I disliked in Frostmane's Portucale left to Burning Steppes, so Portucale would again be a possibility... I have no idea if they would accept me after 2 years. Probably not.

I also found a guild on Kor'gall, http://www.csguild.eu/ . It has exactly the same kind of goals I'm going for. Let's see.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can feel u its been 2months now i didnt went back playing it, though i know my toon there as a spiritmaster is only level 25 and still have a lot to learn i didnt feel great as much as i played wow. anyway goodluck on whatever you do.