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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

GZ Maga Patalogica for 70 !

Yay, Patalogica is 70, only the huntard missing, but as I stand, I'm too bored to level it from 62.

Yay, Netcownt got Medallion of the Alliance after a WSG weekend farm. I found no premades, but was able to get a whooping 50 flags, so only 250 to go for Justicar. It's a pity alliance sucks so much. Still, I got to bring home a dozen flags.

TIP: I also found a way to increase the chances of flag capture, again using teenager bloodthirst knowledge. The trick is to stand behind the tree near the alliance entrance. When horde comes, if just one, he's toast. Usually, more than one comes, and in that case, Death Coil + Felguard Charge = 2 delayed horde, which usually proceed to try to kill me, as I dot+run to the gy, therefore actually avoiding a flag capturing. By the time they kill me, our flag is half way coming in, there are ppl ressurrecting, and they r toast. It works nicely... sort of.

Netcownt is now overcapped (508 res) with a mixed 35+35 set, or 473 with the fear-bonus set. It's enough to pwn. Melee are now easy to deal with, only SP's are slightly hard atm, I got kicked by Kaveira, a SP (S3/S4) on my server, as I gathered herbs without my trinkets. I deserved it, silly me ! I call for revenge !

I also made a stupid mistake of getting the S4 offhand without the +40 penetration. I could have +94, instead I only got +54. NOOOOB !

On World PVP, I joined a raid to horde cities, and we managed to kill Lor'themar (60-raid). We then tried Sylvannas and Cairne (30-raid), but by that time horde was fully aware, helped by the fact that the hormone frenzied teenagers kept yelling at city gates, and we were knocked out.

Finally, I tried Extravaganza once again, and again I "nearly" did it AAAARGH ! This time it was 38-40, in 19 minutes. I was omw to victory, but some horde bastard snatched it from my jaws.

I'll have a few days of Warhammer now... and then back to try the patch.
WTB computer, my toshiba blew up, no machine for dualboxing atm.


Anonymous said...

bem não precisas de 2 pc's para dualboxing. tou a fazê-lo com um pc só. o truque é criares dois directorios para cada conta de wow. tipo copias o directorio normal do wow para outra pasta e fica um directorio para cada account. eu faço isso e n tenho problemas nenhums. quanto a mim, bem tenho andado a brincar com o mage e meu druida, assim k ponha o mage a 70 vou lvlar o druida. kanto a vacarrona ja lhe meti o chest de s3 :P

Anonymous said...

Ehehe isso é para quem tem dual cores... o meu amd 64 1GB RAM com 4 anos não se aguenta com 2 wow's.
Alem disso a minha dualboxing toolinha home made não se dá bem c/ 1 pc.
Vacarrona com S3 ? Ena pá. Então Dar. vai ser só PVE ? E já decidiste se ficas no Chro ? Olha, o Echo reapareceu ontem no meu Frostmane, diz que vai transferir o druida 70 do gajo pra cá, e vai jogar a wotlk como main resto.

Anonymous said...

rofl. bem a vacarrona vai ficar congelada durante o primeiro mes de wotlk pk n tenho $ pa comprar dois wotlk. (ter tenho, não kero é gastar lol). kanto a ficar no chrom, vou ficar lá até xegar a 80 e se não raidarmos mudo de server. ando agora a lvlar um mage e um druida. talvez va pa resto druid tambem. kanto ao echo ja sabia k ele tinha um druida. ate tem um gear mais ou menos. tenho de ver se o apanho no wow klker dia.