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Friday, January 09, 2009

WTB dps

On the upside:

I went to SSC and downed Vashj at the 2nd attempt with 15 ppl. Nice.

I also went Zul'Aman and downed Zul'jin, completed the ZA quest line with some effort with Tarithel pulling mobs for me to talk to the guy in the hut. I won the Blood roll, but the Lich, RL, made a mistake (did he??) and gave the head to a 70 that whined about me rolling...fucking idiot.

I made a foolish 2-men attempt on Broodlord but failed miserably, and did a nice 2-men trial with Onyxia that went fine until she body pulled respawned trash during Phase 2. It seems soloable with Metamorph'd lock, if that damn elite doesn't show up. It also takes a lot of time for the pet to down Onyxia to 65%. If I start dps'ing, threat goes up, she turns up on me.. but surely seems that the head will be mine soon.

On achievement side, I'm going for the Salty Fishing title. Got Mr. Pinchy with about 50 attempts, but no Magical box yet. Oh and got some more rares in Outland. And a first rare in Northrend, Trekkie. It's the little dead robot in the pictures.

On the downside:

I started trying to run daily heroics.. a few things happen...
a) A bunch of undergeared guys who should know what do do gather up, but fail at the last boss, repeatedly. Waste of time.
b) A bunch of guys gather up but aren't even able to start the damn thing. Waste of Time.
c) I join a pro-group that humiliates me miserably, and they tell me so, while carrying their fucking ez mode epics. I complete the daily in 30 mins but most probably enter their black list as "yet another dude who can't dps".

Using flasks+spell power food helps marginally.. I'm watching mages do 3.8k dps on an 80 elite boss while I suffer to get past 2.0k dps. In heroics, I'm simply not able to go more than 1.3k-1.5k dps. Spec was 0/55/13, with the so called insane raid buff... well, in a pug, no one cares about it.. changed to 31/0/40... no real change in dummy testing. 1.7k dps on 80 dummy, about 1.5k dps on boss dummy with hit-cap.
I'll try deep destro or deep affliction but honestly... I don't expect a big difference. Something is dead wrong.

Long story short, guild isn't active enough to run a fucking heroic, ppl are pugging, and I'm not in the mood for heroic pugs.. so ? May be I'm leveling a DK and going solo achievements for WoTLK until we start doing some guild raiding.

A positive on this, is that I now know every damn hit number for warlocks.
78 hit for heroics (with 3/0/3 hit talents)
157 hit for heroics (with 0/0/0 or 0/0/3 or 3/0/0 hit talents)
368 hit for raid (with 3/0/3 hit talents)
447 hit for raid (with 0/0/0 or 0/0/3 or 3/0/0 hit talents)
Things change with a draenei but in short, that's about it.

Amazingly, hit what was so difficult to stack in TBC and it's so easy now, my blue-gear build gets 368 or 447 easily. Ok, 368 easily with little dps/intellect drop.


Anonymous said...

n te chateies kto ao dps. o meu rogue n consegue passar dos 1.8 e ja tenho alguns epicos. so consigo subir mais se speccar hat (k vai ser nerfado neste patch). Quanto à guild temos o problema do costume: falta de healers. Temos 1 healer activo o kesoo mas ele faz tudo em pugs. kdo lhe pedimos klker coisa o coiro diz nos k tá saved. A partir de hje ou amanha podes esperar mto mais guild runs a heroics pk o dahbs xega a 80 com o tank e ele e o renner e a mulher kerem ir a heroics. Also ja te tentei whispar varias vezes para raids/heroics ou outras cenas mas n respondeste... eu prevejo k ate 6ª feira estamos a fazer archavon e sartharion 10 man com ppl da guild apenas.

Pedro Lucas said...

na boa. vou optimizando o que posso com blues até começarmos raiding. tb ja´vi que para heroics nao vale a pena os meus spell raid buffs, vai daí meti-me com 0/40/31, mais virado para single target, crits e short fights. Nao tinha ideia nenhuma de como isto está diferente, já não há CC de qualquer especie, é só dps machines..

Anonymous said...

sim hje em dia n usas CC para nada. É apenas AOE nuking e quanto maior o pull melhor. e se por acaso pedes para esperar ou demoras mais um segundo começas a ouvir pessoal a reclamar que tás a demorar muito. Porque achas k fiz o DK? Rogue agora so presta pa pvp, e mesmo aí vai ser nerfado. eu com o meu gear e puxando o maximo k posso faço 1.7k dps. isso não é nada hoje em dia. por isso fiz o DK mais DPS e survival, melhor AOE. Se fazes menos de 2k dps ja tas a ouvir ppl chamar te de noob. por isso desisti. o meu rogue agora é basicamente um bank alt... A classe tá uma caca. e lock segundo ouvi dizer não ta muito melhor.

Pedro Lucas said...

Exactamente como eu me sinto..ainda por cima como no passado nunca fui um especialista de AoE, sempre me virei para single dps e threat control, pior ainda. Agora com esta vou ver se faço uns fire rains mas mm assim nunca serei um mage... em resumo, é como dizes, menos de 2k dps e começa tudo a protestar...eu qd passo dos 1.5k fico todo contente. Bela porcaria fizeram com o pve na wotlk, só serve para ver quem carrega + depressa em botões e faz a rotação + perfeita...bah. Bem se não me orientar, tenho o priest...