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Thursday, April 16, 2009

A sense of lost time

Lots of RL problems didn't allow me to play much in the last weeks.

As 3.1 was coming, I finally signed up for Naxx.. in the last day, trying to get Kelthuzad down in heroic mode.

6 hours later, with only Construct quarter left, a word springs to mind: "FAIL".

At least I learned how play Thaddius: Jumped ok, and died at the first time it switched polarity coz I was a bit slow to react and I had a brain wash on MINUS/PLUS location so had to "think". If you think, you die. I got that the hard way! After getting the hang of it, it became easy, so easy I can't understand how ranged can die.
Sapphiron looked easy too, if we had a proper 25 raid. Took a few tries.
Finally ... Kel'thuzad, 5 hours later (!), the damn tanks were never able to collect the adds so he lived on... best try 7%, even with our friends from Ovelhas dps'ing like mad. ffs, my friend Mega arrived 2 months ago from Frostmane and outdpsed everyone in the raid :)

What's worse, 3.1 is now up, Naxx 25 is now probably vapor in my guild, so I wonder if I'll be ever be able to kill Kel'thuzad. My fault, but I simply had no way try it earlier.


Real life kicking in again.


Unknown said...

ok. primeiro ainda esta sexta limpamos naxx toda em 10 man.
segundo os gajos dos ovelhas foram top dps pk sao ranged e passam o raid todo ca atras sossegados a disparar. isto pa n falar k teem mais gear num char k eu em 3 chars juntos...
3º tive bues problemas de net e fikei dc ou fui icecubed sem heals por isso os tanks falharam.
4º temos um raid melee heavy. eu tive de ficar pa tras e tentar tankar mobs pk os idiotas dos low dps'ers da guild kerem sempre ficar a frente...
como podes ver muitos factores entram em jogo para akele raid ter falhado...

Pedro Lucas said...

He he de facto aquela run foi uma tristeza. Para compensar, as run desta semana foram fenomenais, pelo menos para mim. Quer Naxx10 que limpámos na boa numa noite, quer Naxx25, que limpámos quase todos os quarters.
Prontos, depois de ter visto uma run a sério da guild agora já acredito que a SDD vai limpar Ulduar mais cedo ou mais tarde :)