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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Of RS and AVR and warlocks and tendinitis

Yesterday was the day of Ruby Sanctum, a preview for the incoming Black Dragonflight fights. No I didn't set foot inside it yet.

Saw a fight in video, it seems easy and a great fight to use teleporting !
P1 - Watchout for hellfire, run away and then stay out of the way of flames.
- Watchout for debuff, run away and shout for dispel.
P2 - Watchout for orbs, semi-circle around following one, avoid crossing the orbs link (beam=death)
- Watchout for debuff, run away and shout for dispel.
P3 - Same as P1 (for ranged), tune dps for 50% corporeality.

It was also the day when AVR-E was blocked [btw, DISABLE it. I didn't and as result my FPS dropped a lot, because of the amount of errors/second it generates. Costed me a few fights with 10 FPS until I found out], meaning circles on the floor helping during fights are gone. Personally, the one fight where it helped me a bit maximizing dps time was Putricide, because one would know "exactly" where to stand not to get goo'ed. Tonight I tried without it and still dps'ed quite easily, on top, I think.

That brings me to a nice topic, "warlocks of my realm". I don't really know what's going on, but it's weird to see that whatever warlock comes to my guild, they stay for a bit, and then they change class (ok, one did it to help the guild healing so it's an exception), or 99% of the time, they leave, usually after 1-2 raids with us. Some of them are good players. But it is funny to see that I outperform them almost always, irrespective of their spec or gear level. I wonder if it's me that's scaring them away. Think I'm gonna have to slack a bit when they show up !!! With my tendinitis getting worse, I might as well have to.

I noticed it first when opening water bottles. Then it got worse, and affected my bike riding, and now the usage of knifes and important stuff like writing and ..driving!! The main finger (mouse left-clicker) is the sick one,though the pain comes up to my elbow sometimes, so I'm pretty sure 20 years of furious clicking are the cause. Anyway, I'm gonna have to deal with it pretty soon. Scary :(

1 comment:

dário said...

ouch. isso é uma seca do caneco :S Tens de ver isso pá. Não esforces muito durante uma semanita ou 2 e isso vai ao lugar.
Quanto aos locks não te preocupes que isso é normal. Eu em relação a rogues tenho reparado que agora há muito menos. Antes não havia raid em k fosse que não houvesse 2 ou 3 rogues. Agora sem ser na guild em que tenho mais 2 (têm gear melhor e continuo a dar melhor dps k eles lol) na maioria das pugs sou apenas eu como rogue.