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Thursday, February 14, 2008

The fire and the flame

Another Al'ar wipe night, this time he went down to 30%, before the add tank died. I had 3 fire circles below me and I was able to live through them all. It costed me 3 healthstones, though. The damn thing really does not give enough time to run, even with 200ms latency. You have to start running (my \ key) and use the life saver (my F1 key).
As to meteors, I'm managing fine, just keep in motion.
Top healer, top priest Hot'er, 4th in overheal. My platform tank died once coz I got los'ed doing the life saver Greater Heal. Bad luck, no time to do anything.
The most important thing to retain is that I never went OOM ! Never used a mana pot, only a shadowfiend once just to play safe.
The problems with this boss in phase 2:
  • Dying DPS ppl.
  • Tanking problems with meteor falling far from them or not using spell reflect on it.
  • Taunt resists when armor melts (solved using 3 tanks)
  • Fire circles showing up on them and they stand there..
Today is Valentinsdag as Sofia would say, so, time to repeat my quests for some more Chocolate Boxes


Anonymous said...

Bevemente espero que possas aqui escrever que o sacana do passaro caiu :D

Anonymous said...

O raio do anonimo sou eu Tika :P

Pedro Lucas said...

o bicho tem estrebuchado demais. A ver se é hoje que vai cair, já ando enjoado de tanta caça.
A Blizz tb podia ter feito a fineza de não meter patches por baixo dos tanks, isso tb é malvadez.