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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Top dps :-)

Finally, I've got top dps in VoA-10 class run.

The funny part is that it was done with PVP spec 0/60/11. Ideally, with a 0/53/18 PVE, I would do about 10%, more, so around 3k dps.
Pretty good for an undergeared lock, considering I've neared 3k dps on two Naxx-10 bosses.
The trick for VoA, ofc, is using demon mode after 30 secs or so and using fire aura, keeping track of the threat. I got up to 92%... also, I was using my private BoK (Guru's elixir ftw) and food, as usual.
I can only hope that 3.1 huge changes for lock talent specs will not degrade the talent tuning I've achieved.

Talking about Guru's elixir, it's an amazing cheap buff. You get your stats increased by 20. But the thing is, the cost is 3 Pygmy Oil's, meaning 3 Pygmys Suckerfish that you catch as trash fish when you are pool fishing, and also shows up in open waters, at least in Grizzly where I go for the salmons.
Add that to me being Elixir Master, so I get to brew further elixirs sometimes, and also Mixology adding 1 hour to the elixir's duration. All in all, a winner.

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