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Monday, March 02, 2009

Diplomat Netcownt

A few more achievements done, worth mentioning:
- getting Exalted with Sporeggar (took a day of repetitive single quest for killing a bunch of mobs)
- getting Exalted with Timbermaw Hold (took 3 hours to get revered and then all my 250 necklaces saved from long time ago during the Winterspring Saber faction task paid off. Instant exalted, a nice trinket and a mention from Bronzebeard in Ironforge.
- getting 50 kills during city defense. Long live the Horde !
- getting Mercenary of Sholazar
- getting 25 exalted reps.

Soon I'll complete the 160 cooking recipes (3 to go), turn Chef, and get Northrend Heroic Dungeonmaster (2 to go).

I just found out I'm the alliance lock of the server with the most achievements.
Yay !
Ok, 3rd overall in class and 77 overall. Not bad, for someone who hasn't stepped in 25-Naxx or killed Kel'thuzad yet, nor did any heroic runs for specific achievements.

Talking about this, Naxx has been a slow progress. Still, Arachnid and Plague Quarters are done and nearly in farm mode. Construct and Military are on the menu for this month.

Hopefully my back gets better, it's been a living hell to sit for more than 15 mins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

gz plos achievs. andamos com problemas de healers como de costume e dentro de breve vamos perder o raidan,por isso e k os raids teem sido lentos. isso e o facto de a maior parte dos nossos dps serem idiotas e n compreenderem as coisas mais basicas tipo dropar uma nuvem de poison junto a parede e não ao meio dos casters etc...(daí ter speccado o dk pa tank e vou começar a famar gear com ele). Hoje a noite ha naxx 25 com a guild Savory deviate delight em principio se dropar alguma coisa k me interesse sou capaz de ficar com ela visto que tenho 66 DKP já.